
Funding for Playground Markings and Sport Markings

How to get funding for playground markings

The easiest way to get playground markings for your school is to spend the PE and sport premium funding provided by the Department for Education to schools for improvement each year. The government has announced that the sport premium will continue, with underspends able to be carried forward until 31 July 2022, the end of the next academic year.

This can be spent on things that encourage pupils to take part in sport, physical activity and exercise, which includes fitness markings for school playgrounds. View our PDF to learn more about the types of markings you can spend your sport premium on, here:

How to get funding for football markings

Football pitch markings are a great way to encourage sport and physical education at your school. In addition, football clubs are able to apply for support to help them build and maintain football pitches through the Football Foundation. Learn more at

How to get funding for cricket pitches

Cricket clubs can often apply for support for pitch maintenance and building through the English Cricket Board or Sport England, and some schemes are specifically open to clubs affiliated with county cricket boards. Find out more about funding cricket pitches here:

Other foundations

Some of the links below from charitable trusts, such as the Youth Sports Trust or local authorities may be able to provide grants to your organisation to help get new playground markings installed. Not all will be applicable to your situation, and many may be closed at the time of reading, but we recommend checking out the below:

Tips for applying for funding

When applying for sport funding, you’ll likely need to fill out an application. Make sure you align your goals with the goals of the organisation supplying the funds, which will make it more likely that you’ll be successful.

Benefits of markings, whether for the playground or a sport club, range from getting kids active, to increasing the ability to learn in the classroom. No matter what type organisation you are, or what markings you’d like, check out our PDF for spending your sport premium for ideas you can put down on your application about how playground markings might benefit your school, here: – we think it could be helpful for you.

Other ways to fund playground markings

If you cannot get grants, or need additional money for markings, there are a range of activities you can set up with pupils at your school, or sport club members. This is a great time to get creative and involve the children – anything from sporting events hosted at the school or club to non-uniform days to setting up food stands… and if it ties in with fitness or adventure, then all the better

Our packages

We offer three packages that deliver a range of markings at a discount for school playgrounds! We know money can be tight at schools, so our packages help you make the most of your money and stretch it further. If you don’t want a package, you can still get in contact with and we can deliver a bespoke solution for your school and your budget to spend your Primary’s PE and sport premium.

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